Tired of Fitting In? The One Thing You Need for Real Success
Have you ever felt like you’re always trying to fit in, just to keep up with everyone else, but no matter what you do, it feels like you’re running on empty? I’ve been there. For years, I thought fitting in was the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur. But let me tell you—it was exhausting. And the truth is, I see this happening all the time.
We live in a world where being authentic isn’t the norm. We’re told that what people want to see isn’t who we really are, what we have to offer, or what we stand for. Instead, we feel pressured to fit in. And yes, there’s a strong marketing principle that says: “It’s never about you; it’s about them.” And while that’s true—people care about themselves first, not about you just yet—it’s important to remember that constantly hiding who you are to meet those expectations is what leads to burnout and exhaustion.
The Biggest Lesson In Life
If you’re starting a business, they’ll hit you with things like, “Have you thought about the economy?” or, “What if it doesn’t work? What if no one buys from you?” The truth is, the people saying this are comfortable where they are. They’ve likely stayed in the same place their whole lives, holding on to what feels “safe.” Maybe they’ve had the same job for years or never imagined life beyond what they already know. They can’t comprehend the courage it takes to leave the known and chase after your dreams because it’s not something they’d dare to do.
How Can You Feel Grateful When You’re Struggling?
We hear about mindset and gratitude all the time, and most people agree they’re key to success. But let me ask you—do you really know what mindset is and what it means?
“Mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone.” This definition, from psychologist Carol Dweck, highlights that our mindset is essentially the way we think about ourselves, our abilities, and our potential. It influences how we handle challenges, make decisions, and pursue opportunities.
But here’s where most people get stuck: They understand the concept of mindset, but they don’t know how to apply it to their lives. You’ve probably read books, taken courses, or attended seminars on how to build wealth—whether it’s through real estate, the stock market, or running your own business. Yet, even with all that information, something still feels off. You see others thriving financially, while you might be stuck in a job you hate, living paycheck to paycheck, or struggling to close that next sale in your small business.
Three Critical Steps Before You Ditch Your 9-5
Are you considering quitting your full-time job to start your own business? If you're nodding your head right now, then this episode is exactly what you need. Today, I’m going to help you figure out how to take that leap so you don’t spend the rest of your life wondering, “Should I do it? What if I fail?” Or worse, find yourself 30 years from now asking, “What could have been if I’d had the courage to go for it?”
In this episode, I’m going to share the number one thing you need to do to start this journey and keep your momentum going. We’ll go over a powerful mindset exercise to help you stay strong when that little voice in your head tries to knock you off your path. And if you're still unsure about what type of business to start, I’ll walk you through a practical exercise to help you gain clarity on what’s right for you.
Now, I know for most people, the idea of leaving their corporate job doesn’t just happen overnight. It starts as a small seed, maybe planted by a toxic work environment, or perhaps a change in your personal life—like becoming a mom, needing to care for a child with special needs, or wanting to be there for an aging parent. Often, it’s not even about making more money at first. But as you think about it more, the idea of not having a cap on your income starts to become very appealing.
For me, when I left my corporate job, it wasn’t because I had a terrible boss or hated my work environment. In fact, I had a fantastic boss. But I knew I wanted more flexibility to be there for my youngest son, Luca, who has autism. At the time, he was only 9 years old, and I wanted to be more present in his life. That was my turning point.
So, what’s the first step when you decide you’re ready to quit? Set a date. Yes, you heard me right—a date on your calendar. It doesn’t matter when that date is; it could be six months from now or even a year. But you must have a specific date, and you must see it in your calendar every single day.
Why is this so important? Think of it like setting a goal to lose weight. Most people know how many pounds they want to lose, but they don’t set a deadline or create a concrete plan to achieve it. Having a date on your calendar creates urgency. It gives you a rush of adrenaline every time you see it because it makes your decision real. It’s not just a dream or a fleeting thought; it’s a commitment. And that’s the first step to preparing yourself both financially and mentally for the big leap.
The next thing you need to focus on is mindset. Mindset is everything. It’s what keeps you going when you feel defeated or when the going gets tough. About five years ago, I invested in resetting my mindset, and it was a game-changer—not just on a personal level but also as a business owner. It completely transformed how I approach challenges and setbacks.
Here’s what’s going to happen once you set that date: you’ll want to share the news with your close friends or family. And while you might be over the moon with excitement, not everyone will share that feeling. And it’s not because they don’t love you or want the best for you; it’s because they can’t relate. They might hit you with all the "what ifs" you’ve already been battling in your head: “What if you don’t make enough money? What if you fail? What will people think?”
And trust me, those voices get louder when you’re in a senior leadership position and even louder when you’re alone or awake in the middle of the night. People will always have something to say about the economy, the timing, your responsibilities, or your chances of success. And this is exactly why you need the tools to stop those voices from taking up space in your mind rent-free.
So here’s an exercise I want you to try: Name that voice in your head. Yes, you heard me right. Give that little voice a name. For example, my inner critic is named Sarah. Whenever Sarah starts to speak up, I acknowledge her, thank her for her concern, and then firmly tell her to leave—I’ve got this. This exercise might sound simple, but it’s incredibly powerful in helping you recognize and distance yourself from those negative thoughts. It’s about taking control of your narrative and keeping that mental space clear for what really matters—your growth and your goals.
Now, let’s talk about figuring out what type of business to start. This can be the hardest part, especially when you're feeling clueless or just want to escape your current job. It’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends or chase after what seems flashy on social media. But here’s the reality: passion alone won’t pay the bills. Your business idea needs to be a blend of what you love and what you’re skilled at.
Here’s what I want you to do: grab a piece of paper and draw two columns. In one column, list your passions—what lights you up, what you could talk about or do for hours without getting bored. In the second column, list your skills—what you’re good at, what others come to you for help with. Now, look for the intersections. Where do your passions and skills overlap? This is your sweet spot. This is where you start. Remember, it’s not just about what you love; it’s about what you can sustain and grow as a viable business.
I know this decision isn’t easy. If I had known back then what I know now, I probably wouldn’t have spent over a year and a half just contemplating, stuck in that uncomfortable limbo of indecision. The truth is, the longer you wait, the more you allow fear and doubt to build a nest in your mind. The best advice I can give you today is this: make a decision and take action. There will never be a perfect moment. Life doesn’t come with a pause button; it’s constantly moving, and waiting for the "right time" often means watching time slip away.
You might tell yourself, “I’ll wait until I retire,” or “I’ll wait until the kids are in college,” or any other reason that feels safe and comfortable. But guess what? Time doesn’t wait. Days turn into months, months into years, and before you know it, you're looking back and realizing that nothing changed. And that, my friend, is where dreams go to die—not in failure, but in the silence of inaction.
The hardest part isn't the leap itself; it's the build-up, the anticipation, the "what ifs" that keep you glue to the familiar, even when the familiar no longer serves you. But every moment you delay is a moment you give away to doubt and fear. The worst part? As the years go by, that voice of doubt gets louder. It convinces you that you’re too old, too late, too settled in your ways. Until one day, the only way to quiet that voice is to stay where you are, to bury those dreams under layers of excuses, convincing yourself it’s just too late to change course.
And that, my friend, is a regret I don’t want you to have. The regret of never knowing what could have been. The regret of not bEtting on yourself when you had the chance. So, take the leap. Set the date. Do the mindset work. Discover what lights you up and go after it with everything you’ve got. Because the world needs what only you can offer, and there’s no time like the present to start making your mark.
Remember, you don’t have to have it all figured out right now. Just take the first step. Then the next. And the next. It’s in these steps that we find our strength, our resilience, and ultimately, our success. So ask yourself, “At what point do I stop dreaming and start doing?” The answer, I hope, is today.
Turn Your Social Media Into a Client Management Without Overwhelm
I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I’m sure you can relate—it’s like I’m excited to see my online friends, those strangers who don’t know me personally but have been supporting me for years. At the same time, I get overwhelmed because I want to connect with even more people whom I can help, spread my message, educate, and motivate throughout their journey. And guess what? The so-called “algorithm” doesn’t always make it easy!
In today’s episode, I’ll share three tactics you can implement to grow an account filled with people who will benefit from you—your values, your message, and your offer. My goal is to help you attract potential clients who will choose to buy from you, not your competitors.
So, let’s start with the question I get asked most often: “How do I attract people who are genuinely interested in what I have to offer?” The answer is simple: Engagement. Yes, you heard me right. You must engage with other accounts, but not just any accounts—you need to be intentional about it. Here’s what I want you to do:
First, grab a pen and paper or open a new document on your computer—let’s make a quick list. I want you to find two accounts of the “gurus” in your industry. You know who I’m talking about—the experts who have a massive following and are seen as the go-to voices in your field. Write their names down.
Next, think of three accounts of people who are a few steps ahead of you—let’s say three to five steps. These are individuals who might not be at the guru level yet but are successfully navigating their journey and are a bit further along than you. Write these names down too.
Lastly, find two accounts of people who are at the same stage as you. They’re in the trenches, just like you, working hard to grow and connect. Jot down their names as well.
Now, here’s where the fun starts. For each of these accounts, I want you to look at the people who are engaging with their posts—the ones who are liking, commenting, and sharing. Choose three of these engaged accounts for each “guru,” each person ahead of you, and each peer. Add these to your list.
Over the next month, spend 10 minutes a day interacting with these accounts. Leave meaningful comments, engage with their stories, and show genuine interest. Be intentional—only engage with content that resonates with you or aligns with your values.
Why are we doing this? Because these engaged accounts are already in your industry, and they follow the “gurus” because they share similar interests or pain points with your ideal clients. By engaging with them, you increase the chances of the algorithm showing your content to them, helping you expand your reach and attract people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.
I know what you’re thinking, “Katherine, this sounds time-consuming! Do I need to do this every day?” The answer is no! This will take just about 10 minutes a day, which adds up to only 30 minutes a week. I promise that if you are intentional and put in the upfront work, this will become a breeze.
Now, let’s talk about the second tactic: Content Creation. When creating content, think about what your audience wants to hear, not just what you want to share. Always ask yourself, “What’s in it for them?” What will make them stop scrolling and pay attention to what you have to say?
If you're sharing something about your own routine, consider whether there’s something relatable in it for them—something they might also experience. And if you want to inspire them, remember that showing off isn’t always the best approach. If you decide to highlight your successes, do it through storytelling. This way, you don’t come across as arrogant or flashy. Instead, you appear authentic and relatable.
I also want to mention that I’m not a huge fan of overly educational content. Why? Because if all you do is educate your audience, they might feel they have no reason to buy from you—they’re already getting all the information they need for free! Think about it: If your entire content strategy revolves around giving away all your knowledge, you risk making your audience feel self-sufficient without ever having to invest in your services or products.
So, what types of content perform the best? Inspirational, storytelling, and entertaining content. These types keep people engaged and wanting more. They create a connection and keep your audience coming back because they feel inspired, they relate to your stories, and they enjoy the content. Also, creating content around your pillars—three main themes you want to be known for—can simplify the process. For example, my pillars are mindset, entrepreneurial life, and marketing. If you create just one piece of content for each pillar per week, you’ll have enough content for the entire month! It doesn’t have to be complicated.
And the last thing I want to share might not be what you want to hear, but it’s crucial: Social media is a tool for your business, but it’s not your business. Unless you’re a social media manager, your business isn’t social media. We’re not in the pandemic anymore, and you must have other ways to bring leads into your funnel that don’t rely solely on social media.
One of the biggest misconceptions I see out there is the promise of an online business overflowing with leads just from social media. Yes, this is possible, but it requires an investment in paid advertising. And let’s be honest—most new entrepreneurs don’t have the budget for that. Even if you do have the budget, the best advice I can give you is to start your business, set up your social media accounts, and craft your message. Become so good at it that you attract your ideal clients and the people you know will benefit from what you have to offer. Then, and only then, consider paid advertising. If you’ve been told otherwise, run!
So, let’s wrap this up. I know social media can feel like a double-edged sword—it’s a love-hate relationship for many of us. One moment, it feels exiting, like you’re connecting with a community that truly gets you. But then, there are those moments where it feels like you’re shouting into the void, putting in so much effort without seeing the return you hoped for. It can be exhausting, frustrating, and make you wonder if it’s all worth it. You might even find yourself thinking, "Is this just another source of burnout?"
But here’s the real question: at what point do we sit down and decide to create a strategy that actually works for our business? Not a generic one-size-fits-all approach, but a strategy that’s tailored to your unique strengths and your specific audience. A strategy that helps you stand out, attract potential clients who resonate with you, your values, and your offerings—clients who choose you over the competition because of the unique value you provide.
It’s about crafting a plan that fits your lifestyle, your energy, and your passion. Because here’s the thing: when your strategy aligns with who you are and what you’re genuinely excited about, it doesn’t feel like a drain. It doesn’t feel like a never-ending hustle. It feels purposeful. It feels aligned. And that’s when you start to see real growth—not just in numbers, but in the meaningful connections you build with your audience.
Remember, social media is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s a powerful tool, yes, but it’s not the only tool in your toolbox. The real magic happens when you balance your efforts with a mix of engagement, meaningful content, and diverse ways to attract leads. This balanced approach ensures that you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. You’re diversifying your efforts, reducing the risk of burnout, and creating multiple pathways for potential clients to find you and connect with you.
You see, the key to overcoming that love-hate relationship with social media is realizing that you’re in control. You decide how to use it, how much energy to invest, and how to balance it with other strategies that work for you. Don’t let the overwhelm make you forget why you started in the first place. You have something valuable to offer, a message that needs to be heard, and people out there who need exactly what you have to give.
So, when you feel the weight of social media bearing down on you, remember that you’re not alone. It’s okay to step back, re-evaluate, and refine your strategy to make sure it serves you, not the other way around. You’ve got this. You’re capable of creating a strategy that feels good, one that’s sustainable, and one that brings you joy. And remember, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we can turn that love-hate relationship into a love-love relationship—where social media feels less like a chore and more like an extension of your passion and purpose.
Drained From Trying? Here’s How To Keep Moving Forward
At what point does trying to make it happen become exhausting? Let’s be honest. Most of the time, when we start a business or take on a new project, we put all our effort into it. We have the vision; we can see clearly how this “thing” is going to help so many people. So, what do we do? We go full force! We start to plan, strategize, and move pieces. But at some point, when we don’t see the traction we hoped for, we start to feel discouraged. Maybe things aren’t going as smoothly as we want, or maybe the people we thought would be there supporting us every step of the way didn’t show the interest we were expecting. And just like that, our exciting project becomes something we’re dragging along.
In today’s episode, I’m going to give you the tools you need to navigate those moments when you feel completely drained from trying to make it happen. If you're feeling exhausted, stuck in a cycle of effort without seeing the results, or questioning whether you should keep going, you’re not alone. We’re going to talk about how to manage your expectations, which often play a huge role in how we feel about our progress. I’ll also guide you through the steps to create a strategic plan of action for your business or project, so you don’t end up feeling like, “Should I give up?” or “Why did I start this in the first place?”
But before we dive into the specifics, let’s pause and consider something: how much of our disappointment comes from expecting others to be on the same page as us? Think about it. In our personal lives, we often expect things from our partners, kids, or friends, and when they don’t meet those expectations—when they don’t do things exactly how we envision them—it becomes a big deal. But why does this happen? Have you ever thought about why it affects us so deeply?
It’s because expectations are tied to our own desires and beliefs. When we expect something from someone, we’re often projecting our own standards onto them. When those expectations aren’t met, it can feel like a personal rejection or a challenge to our sense of control over the situation. It exposes a gap between what we want or need and what others are willing or able to provide, which can be really unsettling. This is why managing expectations is so crucial, both in our personal lives and in our business journey—it’s a key part of staying resilient and focused on our journey.
And this brings us to another critical aspect of staying on course without feeling drained or defeated: having a clear plan of action. Because while managing expectations is key, so is knowing exactly where you’re headed and how you’re going to get there. One of the biggest pitfalls I see, especially when people are starting a business or launching a new project, is the lack of a clear strategy—or, let’s call it a plan.
I know, the word “strategy” might sound big and intimidating, especially if you’re transitioning from the corporate world, and the last thing you want is to deal with “another strategy.” But here’s the truth: a strategy, or a plan, is simply a roadmap. It guides you from where you are now to where you want to go, ensuring you don’t lose sight of your goals or give up when things get tough.
There are a few key elements you need to keep in mind throughout your project. The first one is discovering what sets you apart from the rest—identifying your unique strengths and weaknesses, and then doing the same for your business or project. Here’s a fact: most people and small businesses owners jump straight into tactics and numbers without ever taking the time to understand what makes them unique. Skipping this step can lead to a higher chance of failure for any business or marketing plan you create.
The second component of your strategic action plan is to identify what resources you have and how you’re going to allocate them. These resources are often your skills, time, and money. Understanding these factors is crucial because it helps you decide what you need and what you don’t. For instance, if your plan involves creating visuals but you’re not a graphic designer or don’t have the skills, you’ll need to outsource this aspect. This step allows you to determine if what you have in mind is feasible and where you might need to make trade-offs to achieve your goal.
Now, the next step in your strategic action plan is to create a complete blueprint with step-by-step actionable tasks. This is your roadmap. Think of it as the detailed plan for building a house; you wouldn’t just wing it without a solid plan, right? The same goes for your business or project. Start by breaking down your big goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Assign deadlines, prioritize what needs to be done first, and identify who is responsible for each task if you're working with a team.
When you have this blueprint laid out, you’re ready to execute. Every day, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done to move forward, keeping you focused and productive. This approach also helps you stay accountable for your decisions because it’s all based on the blueprint you created. Most importantly, it prevents you from getting distracted by things that might seem urgent in the moment but aren’t actually part of your strategic plan.
This is why I love this approach so much. Following your blueprint allows you to execute daily tasks that push you forward, keeps you accountable to yourself, and prevents distractions from derailing your progress.
Let’s face it, most of the time when we want to give up, it’s because we’re exhausted and overwhelmed. But remember, we don’t reach this point overnight. It’s usually the result of many situations building up over time, slowly pushing us into a state where we start doubting if we’re on the right path or if we made the right decision.
And that feeling of exhaustion? It’s draining, discouraging, and makes you question everything. “Should I give up?” “Why am I even doing this?” “Is it worth all this effort?” These thoughts can haunt you, especially when you’re tired of hustling without seeing the results you hoped for. It’s completely natural to feel this way, but I promise you, if you have a strategic plan of action for your main goals—whether in business or in life—you’ll be equipped to navigate those tough moments with more confidence and clarity.
Here is the caviat: Having a plan doesn’t mean everything will always go smoothly, but it does mean you’ll have a clearer path to follow, a guide to help you make better decisions, and a framework to keep you moving forward even when things get tough. It helps you focus on what truly matters and cuts out the noise that can make you feel stuck or lost.
Remember, every great journey comes with its challenges, and it’s during these moments that you build resilience and strength. So, when you’re feeling tired, when the hustle seems endless, and when you’re questioning why you started—look back at your plan, remind yourself of your ‘why,’ and keep pushing forward. You have everything within you to succeed, and you owe it to yourself to see it through. Because, my friend, giving up is not an option. The only way out is through, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.
The One Thing You Need For Success (And How To Get It)
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be thriving while others feel stuck? Like, what’s the difference? Today, I’m going to share the number one thing you need to be successful, and trust me, it’s not about luck or talent. I’ll also guide you through a powerful exercise to help build the mindset you need to make your dreams a reality.
Now, here’s something I know. I’m a good listener. Whether it’s in a conversation or meeting someone new, I listen to learn. And, you know what I hear from most people? Complaints. Yep. It’s like frustration is constantly hanging in the air, and it can be so subtle you may not even notice it. But here’s the thing—when you try to shift the conversation to something positive, what usually happens? They get defensive, right? It’s almost like some people are so used to being frustrated, they don’t know how to step away from it.
So, why is it that some people rise above that frustration and go on to crush their goals, while others stay stuck in it? What’s the one thing successful people have in common?
It’s attitude. Successful people have this mindset that says, “I can accomplish anything.” They don’t set limitations on themselves, and because of that, they actually make things happen. They expect more good things to come their way than bad, and they expect to succeed more often than they fail. That’s their default mode.
When you truly believe things will work out, you approach challenges differently. Obstacles become something temporary, not roadblocks that define your entire journey. And when things don’t go as planned, instead of getting discouraged, you adapt. You keep pushing forward. It’s that positive attitude, that unshakable belief in themselves, that sets successful people apart.
And listen, it’s not that successful people don’t experience setbacks—they absolutely do. They’ve probably experienced more setbacks than most people. But what’s different is their attitude toward failure. They don’t see failure as a reason to quit; they see it as part of the process. They expect setbacks, but they don’t let them derail their journey.
"So, what’s holding most people back?"
It’s their attitude. Many people don’t believe they can succeed. They create stories about why they can’t make it—they’ll blame the economy, their circumstances, or even their upbringing. But deep down, all of that is just an excuse. It’s a reflection of not believing they’re capable.
Let’s be honest. How often have you downplayed your own abilities but looked at someone else and thought, “Well, they have it easier,” or “They’re more talented than I am”? But that’s not true. It’s not about talent or circumstances—it’s about attitude.
Successful people aren’t always the smartest or the most capable. They just have a mindset that says, “I’m going to figure this out.” That belief is what sets them apart. They believe they can, so they do.
"You might be thinking, ‘Okay, but how do I get there?’"
That’s the magic of mindset—you can practice it. You can build the attitude that leads to success. So here’s my challenge for you:
For the next 30 days, I want you to treat everyone around you—whether it’s your partner, your friends, your kids, even strangers at the store—with the attitude of success. Think about how you want to be seen, how you want to be treated, and then reflect that in your interactions.
This isn’t just about being nice—it’s about creating a habit. If you want respect, give respect. If you want kindness, lead with kindness. When you act like the person you aspire to be, you start to shift your mindset. You stop waiting for success to happen, and you start creating it.
"So, why is this important?"
Success isn’t just about the big wins. It’s about the small, everyday choices we make. When you consistently act like the successful person you want to become, you’re reinforcing that belief in yourself. Over time, you’ll notice people reacting to you differently. Your relationships will improve, your confidence will grow, and—here’s the best part—you’ll actually start to see the changes in your business and personal life.
Now, after 30 days, here’s what I know will happen: your mood will improve, you’ll feel more determined, and your attitude toward success will feel natural. You’ll start to look at obstacles differently. Instead of seeing roadblocks, you’ll see opportunities for growth. You’ll be the kind of person who finds solutions, who keeps going when things get tough. In your business, you’ll notice that clients or opportunities you once overlooked are now catching your attention. Maybe it’s a collaboration you hadn’t considered or a new idea you hadn’t thought of before.
"And personally, you’ll start handling stress in a whole new way."
The little frustrations that used to set you off won’t feel as heavy. You’ll learn to focus on what’s within your control. And that’s where growth happens—when you’re not bogged down by negativity, you have the energy to focus on what matters. You might even take bigger risks in your career—launching that new project, asking for the promotion, or investing in your dream business. With this new mindset, those risks won’t feel as daunting because you’ll trust yourself to navigate whatever comes your way.
But here’s a reminder: the world around you won’t magically change. The rude people in traffic will still be there. Life’s little frustrations won’t disappear just because you’ve got a positive attitude.
What will change is you. You’ll start handling those moments with confidence. You’ll stop letting small frustrations throw you off track. You’ll walk taller, speak with more purpose, and act with intention because your attitude will reflect the success you’re stepping into.
"So, now that you know how powerful your attitude can be, ask yourself this—at what point do you stop waiting for success to find you and start creating it yourself?"
It’s time to take action. Start practicing these small shifts every day. You have everything you need to succeed—it’s about making the daily choices and forming the habits that will take you where you want to go. Success isn’t about luck, it’s about mindset. It’s about believing in yourself and showing up with the right attitude.
So, are you ready? Now’s the time to choose you. You’ve got this, and I’ll be here, cheering you on every step of the way.